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Vendor Info
Apply to become a vendor & sign our policies and procedures. All applicants: Please see the Policies and Procedures and online application in the Important Market Info document.
Due to the volume of applications received, not all applicants will receive a response. We try our best to respond to each interested vendor.
Please note that non-food vendor spaces are assigned on an as-available waitlist. Our non-food roster is generally considered full.

Linds, Little House Granola
Everything so far has been great, very well organized and supportive.
I’d like to be here every week
for the winter market
and in the future Summer markets!
Veteran Vendor
I have been attending the market for over ten years and believe it to be one of the best run markets in the area.
Athens Nectar
The organization of this market is unique! Because of this, customers keep supporting the vendors under any weather conditions, and many of our customers this year were recurring.
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